The truth about eggs
Eggs are one food that causes a lot of people confusion. In the past we have been told that eggs can have a detrimental impact on our heart health due to the dietary cholesterol they contain.
The good news is The Heart Foundation has reviewed the latest research and have confirmed that eggs have little to no impact on blood cholesterol levels or the risk of heart disease. Studies have found that the major contributor affecting LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol is a high intake of saturated fats or trans fats. Saturated fats are often referred to as ‘bad’ fats and can be found in foods such as cakes, biscuits, pastries, processed foods, full fat dairy products, meats, fried foods and takeaways.
The new recommendations suggest that six to eight eggs per week can be included in a well-balanced healthy diet, without increasing the risk of heart disease.
Two 60g eggs (one serve) contains over 20% of an individual’s daily protein requirements. Research has found that high protein diets are becoming increasingly popular for achieving weight loss and weight maintenance. The reason being, high protein foods contribute to a greater sense of fullness during consumption and increase satiety between meals.
Eggs are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids (good fats) which has been shown to protect against some inflammatory diseases and heart disease. They also include a number of important vitamins and minerals required for growth and development.
So forget what you have previously been told… eggs can be an excellent food to include for people of all ages!
National Heart Foundation of Australia. Position statement. Dietary fats and dietary sterols for cardiovascular health (2009).
Gray J, Griffin B. Eggs and dietary cholesterol – dispelling the myth. Nutr Bull 34, 66-77 (2009).